Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sociology Department’s Mara Tzizik and History Major Fabiane Kelley works along side History Professor Bob Forrant, to conduct research on the International Institute of Lowell.

Sociology sophomore Mara Tzizik and History senior Fabiane Kelley spent this past fall semester of 2014 sifting through thousands of documents within the International Institute of Lowell.  Both students received an Honors Fellowship funded by the Honors College and the Deans office to conduct research with history professor Bob Forrant. Forrant has immersed himself in Lowell’s immigration history with his former research projects with students, and continues to do so with this project with Mara and Fabiane. Along side Forrant, the students conducted primary source research and interviews to better understand the history of the Institute, which has helped immigrants assimilate into American Society in Lowell since 1914. They collected data from the Institute’s archives and collected data from interviews of people who have used their services or have worked for the institute in the past. The Institute has helped transform immigrant lives in Lowell. Mara believes this research is deeply rooted in Sociological themes. “The founding women of the Institute dating back to 1914 were the forefront of social work in their time” said Mara. These women identified one of the major social problems in Lowell, which was the growing immigrant population and their lack of support from the community, and tackled it head on. The organization has proven success over the past 100 years and continues to grow and adhere to the ever-changing immigrant populations of Lowell. 

On December 11, 2014 all of their hard work came to fruition. The research they conducted was used to create an interactive timeline for the Institute’s award dinner. The timeline was viewed by over 300 people that evening. Both students were present to answer any questions about their research and process by the viewers. Futuristically, they hope to publish a paper detailing their research and research process and potentially presenting the paper at a conference in April 2015. 

Forrant notes the advantages or working with research students on campus:  “One of the very best parts of teaching is working with great students on exciting research projects. Plowing in to the International Institute's records, discovering so much about Lowell's immigration history, and being able to work with Mara and Fabiane creating an exhibit viewed by hundreds of people made this a terrific experience for me and hopefully for them. It also represents the very essence of how a public university should function.”

The Honors Fellowship has given Mara a wealth of research experience only halfway through her academic career. Mara has earned immense credibility through her research efforts within the University, as well as within the Lowell Community. The project not only called for self growth and academic development, but it also provided the opportunity for students to give back to their local community. 

“If you have the opportunity to work on research of any kind, seize it. Your critical thinking skills, deductive reasoning, and time management skills will develop and grow.” - Mara

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